celastrus-paniculatusCelastrus for memory is the perfect blend of science and herbs. It’s also the main ingredient used in our Cognihance Herbal Supplement. Certain evidence leads us to believe that Celastrus may increase cognitive functioning, including memory enhancement.

Celastrus is a genus within the Celastraceae family (also known as Bittersweet family); the Celastraceae family is comprised of 55-100 genera of woody shrubs, vines, and small trees. Furthermore, there are approximately 1,300-3,000 known species within the lower classification of Celastraceae genera. Some of the most well known Celastraceae genera are:

  • Canotia
  • Catha
  • Celastrus
  • Euonymus
  • Maytenus
  • Pachistima

Our focus will be on the Celastrus genus. Within the Celastrus genus, there are about 30-40 species including Celastrus orbiculatus, Celastrus paniculatus, Celastrus scandens, and so on. The use of Celastrus for memory enhancement can be traced back to Ayurvedic Medicine, which originated about 3 thousand years ago in India. This is one of the oldest systems of medicine in the world; the practices predate any written records and may of the practices were preserved through verbal communication. Ayurvedic medicine encourages the use of herbal compounds, unique diet, and other unique lifestyle recommendations. Ayurvedic medicine is not universally accepted, as conventional Western medicine tends to reject these practices. The herbs, minerals, and some metals used within these practices may potentially be harmful and unsafe. There has been little to no clinical research performed to confirm the safely of these products. However, with the appropriate resources and knowledge, the incorporation of Ayurvedic medicine into your daily life may be beneficial.

Severals claims lead us to believe that Celastrus may improve memory functioning. There have been no studies performed on human subjects to support or falsify such claims, however, there have been preliminary studies performed on rats which may also translate to humans subjects as well. Aside from scientific research, many have used Celastrus and will claim the positive cognihance effects.

Celastrus for ingestion comes in a few different forms: liquid extract, whole seed, or incorporated into pill form. As for the recommended dosage for liquid extract or whole seed ingestion, there is no universal dosage. However, one is advised not to ingest more than 20 whole seeds. When Celastrus is incorporated into pill form, it is generally used for cognihance or memory purposes. When taking the Cognihance Herbal Supplement, it is recommended to take one pill twice a day for maximum results. Other supplements may recommend alternative dosage.

There are no known side effects in taking Celastrus


“Celastrus Seed (Celastrus Paniculatus).” Celastrus Shop. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Mar. 2014.

“Celastrus Paniculatus.” Examine.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Mar. 2014.

“Ayurvedic Medicine: An Introduction.” National Center for Complementary & Alternative Medicine. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Mar. 2014.